
was £143.88 save: 38%

Did you know: Every wine bottle you buy from us is covered by our 100% money back guarantee.

Ultra Bargain White Case

12 bottle case


was £143.88 save: 38%

Did you know: Every wine bottle you buy from us is covered by our 100% money back guarantee.

  • Wonderfully crisp whites that are sure to please.
  • A refreshing Pinot Grigio and fruity Sauvignon Blanc.
  • A bargain like this wont be around for long so get yours whilst stocks last.

Simply put this is the all white version of the best value case in town. We’ve kept it simple, you get 6 bottles each of 2 top-notch whites for an unmissable price. To start we have the superb 16 Little Black Pigs Pinot Grigio, with its orchard fruit flavours it makes for a perfect pairing with white fish. To finish we have a Chilean Sauvignon Blanc with racy aromatics and plenty of citrus zing - try this alongside grilled prawns marinated in plenty of garlic and parsley.

Find out about the different wines that are included in the Ultra Bargain White Case


was £143.88 save: 38%

Did you know: Every wine bottle you buy from us is covered by our 100% money back guarantee.