
Belenkaya Gold Vodka

Belenkaya Gold Vodka

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  • A lesson in how to make the purest, cleanest vodka in the marketplace. An astonishing effort
  • Don't be fooled by the rather basic packaging, this is a geunine article with Russia struck right though its stick of rock
  • As you might expect, Belenkaya actually translates as the "cleanest and purest". It does exactly what it says on the tin!
  • Size: 70cl

Find out more about Belenkaya Gold Vodka

Find out more about Belenkaya Gold Vodka

The Spirit

Country of origin:


Not content with filtering this vodka through 13 metres of Russian coal, it is then subject to a nine step purification process that leaves it about as clean and pure as vodka can be. The palate is soft and balanced and has a lovely intensity. And, of course, it has a neutrality that works very well in cocktails of any stripe, but vodka Martinis are transformed

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Average rating 4 out of 5


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A nice vodka. Very smooth on the palate.
